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Sudha David-Wilp is a Senior Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Berlin. (Photo: GMFUS.org) Sudha David-Wilp: It is mainly because the voters saw a dynastic presidential election coming, Bush versus Clinton .

Sudha David-Wilp is a Senior Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Berlin. (Photo: GMFUS.org) Sudha David-Wilp: It is mainly because the voters saw a dynastic presidential election coming, Bush versus Clinton .

But now the Republicans have a majority in the Senate. In addition to the president, the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate will also be elected in November. Source: ntv.de, bdk / AFP / rts “On the wrong horse: Jeb Bush’s withdrawal hits his supporters and campaign workers hard. (Photo: REUTERS) Der Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush retires from the US Republican presidential race in response to his disappointing South Carolina Republican primary. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has withdrawn from the presidential race the US Republican declares: “Tonight I am suspending my campaign,” said Bush after his disappointing performance in the South Carolina Republican primary.

Because of his contacts to the Republican establishment and to financially strong campaign donors, the son and brother of two ex-presidents (George HW Bush and George W. Bush) were originally considered a favorite. In South Carolina, Bush only received around eight percent of the vote, according to initial evaluations to unite, although he completed many election campaign appearances in the southern state and had spent millions on election spots. He also received support from ex-President George W. Bush, who had campaigned for his brother for the first time in South Carolina at the beginning of the week. Jeb Bush received less than three percent of the vote in the primary election in Iowa in early February. In New Hampshire it then came to eleven percent. “The people of Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken, and I respect their decision,” he said in an emotional retreat. At the top of the Republican field of applicants is still populist businessman Donald Trump, who is in the primaries clearly prevailed in South Carolina.

Trump had repeatedly made fun of Bush during the election campaign and accused the ex-governor of lacking energy for the presidency. In fact, Jeb Bush looked surprisingly bland. Even in his own camp, he clearly had trouble convincing.

At one of his appearances he even had to beg the audience to give him applause. Source: ntv.de, mmo / AFP “” You can’t say that Donald Trump has no chance of winning the nomination. “(Photo: imago / ZUMA Press) The US is a lot about entertainment, says political scientist Sudha David-Wilp. “We love distinctive personalities, and Donald Trump certainly is. But he is also dangerous because he has no plan. “N-tv.de: What does it say about the USA that Republicans and Democrats are successful presidential candidates who pose as outsiders and some have no political experience? Sudha David -Wilp is a Senior Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Berlin. (Photo: GMFUS.org) Sudha David-Wilp: It is mainly because the voters saw a dynastic presidential election coming, Bush versus Clinton Outsiders have benefited – with the Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, with the Democrats Bernie Sanders, because the voters did not want an election of the dynasties.

And there is one issue in this campaign that has long been ignored: the anger over increasing social inequality, which plays a huge role on both sides. Speaking of social inequality, why do so many US citizens think public health insurance is dangerous? We have an interesting relationship with the state. Americans admire public officials for the service they render to the country and society. We have great respect for our military. But we also think that individual rights are important.

We don’t believe that the state has to take care of everything from cradle to grave. Bernie Sanders mentions the Scandinavian welfare state as a political role model and is very popular with young people.argumentative essay on college tuition Is the American attitude towards the state changing? The introduction of general health insurance by Barack Obama will change America, but not to the extent that the USA can be compared to the European welfare states. Sanders calls for health insurance for everyone, which goes beyond Obama’s health care reform. But I don’t think that’s the main reason for its success. Sanders is more likely to float on a wave of economic fears: fear of job loss, resentment about the “one percent” of Americans who own almost as much as the bottom 90 percent, as he always says, and about the supposed disappearance of the American dream .

Donald Trump also means this kind of resentment when he says, “Let’s make America great again”. Does the American dream, the promise of advancement opportunities, still work? Of course! I totally believe in the American dream – without the American dream, Barack Obama wouldn’t be the 44th President of the United States. His presidency testifies that the American dream is working.

America has the ability to reinvent itself over and over again. But of course we have to ask whether our education system still offers sufficient equality of opportunity, whether different family models are recognized. These are questions that American voters will hopefully soon be asking, as Hillary Clinton said when she said after her defeat in New Hampshire: “Anger is a powerful feeling, but it’s not a plan.” But voters don’t seem to want a plan right now, they want someone to articulate their anger. Someone like Trump or Sanders, I have a lot of faith in Americans.

Right now we’re enjoying the drama of the campaign, and of course emotions play a big part in it. But the longer the primaries go on, the more voters will wonder what specific plans the candidates have, what their programs are. We have already seen that foreign policy issues are not exactly one of Bernie Sanders’ strengths. With the Republicans, Marco Rubio was literally dismantled by Chris Christie in the candidate debate before the elections in New Hampshire – Christie had accused Rubio of repeating the same slogans …… and hit the nail on the head long we’ll see who proves himself in the primary campaign. Who among the Republican candidates could stop Donald Trump? Trump is a pretty surprising phenomenon – I thought last summer he was a flash in the pan, nothing more.

But he caught the attention of Americans, how did he do it? We’re all about entertainment, we love distinctive characters, and Donald Trump certainly is. But he’s also dangerous because he has no plan. The Republican establishment knows that. So they have to agree on a candidate that they all support – a candidate from the ranks of governors like Jeb Bush or John Kasich, the governor of Ohio. Or Marco Rubio, even if he doesn’t have any government experience. Can you imagine Donald Trump becoming President of the United States? You can’t say that Donald Trump has no chance of winning the nomination.

But I can’t imagine it at the moment, no. I’m from New York, I know Trump Tower and the cockiness with which Trump comes along. I just can’t imagine him sitting in the Oval Office making life or death decisions. See a candidate who could bring a sense of unity back to America? John Kasich would be one; he probably has more Democratic than Republican supporters.

But Hillary Clinton could do it too. Many people outside Washington don’t realize that she is also highly respected by her former Republican Senate colleagues. In addition: As soon as a president enters the White House, he knows that he has to be there for the whole of the USA. Hubertus Volmer spoke with Sudha David-Wilp Source: ntv.de “Lothar Bisky shows his dissatisfaction again. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa Lothar Bisky has already criticized his party harshly a few times. And even now, in a massive leadership crisis, he speaks up. The decline in popular approval could end “fatally,” the ex-chairman warns his socialist comrades. Bartsch would be Biskys Favorite. (Photo: dapd) The former left-wing chairman Lothar Bisky has read the riot act again for his party, which is divided on personal issues.

The current situation reminds him of a “super horror show”, he told the “Sächsische Zeitung”. The approval of the population is slowly but steadily decreasing. “And that can be fatal.” The Left Party has been arguing for weeks about who should chair the party congress in early June. There are now nine applicants for the two chairman positions. Bisky also criticized the style of behavior in the Left Party: “Some may not take politics quite as seriously and think that by destroying their party friends or by discrediting them, they are doing something for the good of humanity. This is of course an idiotic mistake. ” No wing of the party could win against the other without destroying the party. “A victory over the other does not bring the left anything. Fortunately, one does not have the opportunity to send the others to Siberia or into exile.

It’s really a blessing when you sometimes hear the tone of voice in the arguments. “Katja Kipping (left) and Katharina Schwabedissen are running for” as a team ” but also the other applications for the chairmanship: “I consider it an enrichment that there are opposing candidates and that young women also have the courage to run for office. The way they deal with each other and with their non-friends in their own party could enrich left-wing culture. “According to the Mainz political scientist Kai Arzheimer – successor to Jürgen Falter – the party could soon become a purely East German party again.” also depend on which course the SPD is taking, “said Arzheimer.” The way party leader Sigmar Gabriel is now appearing in the euro crisis, he is moving on a terrain where one would have expected the Left Party. “There is a split in the Left Party The scientist is unlikely despite the current leadership dispute. In his opinion, the question of the future top is extremely difficult to answer: “At the moment I don’t see any combination that could pull it outwards and inwards.” With Sahra Wagenknecht into the next election campaigns drawing is problematic: “I cannot imagine that she would be an acceptable candidate for the vast majority of the party The political scientist Werner Patzelt sees the Left Party facing dissolution in view of its leadership dispute. “Something falls apart here that never belonged together. The West German dogmatists belong neither in the tradition of the state-sponsoring SED nor the reform-socialist PDS,” said Patzelt. The problem is that a generation change is now pending in the East. The party is more attractive to ideologues than to realos. “We are seeing the last generation of real politicians.

With Dietmar Bartsch they might be able to assert themselves again, but that will probably not stop the depletion of personnel either. “Source: ntv.de, jmü / dpa” Long-serving leftist: Lothar Bisky. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) Lothar Bisky wants no longer be the chairman of the European left in the EU Parliament. He resigns from office. He gives health problems as reasons. But there is also a problem in terms of content.

Bisky will retain his parliamentary mandate, and Lothar Bisky, chairman of the left-wing group in the European Parliament, is stepping down. Bisky says he is resigning from the chair for health reasons. A successor is still unknown. He proposed the left-wing MEP Gabi Zimmer to succeed the parliamentary group. In addition to health reasons, Bisky cited differing views within the GUE / NGL group in the European Parliament on cross-parliamentary cooperation as a reason for his resignation. Unlike most of his group colleagues, he was of the opinion that the left-wing parliamentary group should cooperate more closely with the Social Democrats and Greens parliamentary groups, said Bisky. The chairmen of the German party “Die Linke”, Gesine Lötzsch and Klaus Ernst, said: “Lothar Bisky is an internationally respected personality and has successfully led the parliamentary group.

He remains an important voice for a social Europe. “Bisky, now 70 years old, will keep his seat as a member of the European Union. Source: ntv.de, dpa” News and information at a glance. Collection of articles by n-tv.de on the subject of Lothar Bisky Under the impression of divided party wings, the left meets on the weekend for the federal party conference. The comrades want to send out a signal of unity. This could be difficult given the internal dispute over direction. Despite the economic crisis, the left was unable to score with the voters with its criticism of capitalism.

The prospects for the federal election are anything but rosy. The SPD slipped to a new historical low in the European elections. Despite considerable losses, the Union can feel like a winner and sends most of its members to the EU Parliament.

The Greens are the third strongest party, followed by the FDP and the Left Party. The German Trade Union Federation (DGB) and the Left Party are working together towards a more social Europe. Both sides presented a joint position paper on this. Central points are the fight against dumping wages, for equal working conditions for employees and the right of the trade unions to strike. The saying “” Do you have a grandpa, send him to Europe “was once upon a time.

In the elections on June 7th, many young candidates are on the lists of the German parties. The youngest son of left party leader Lothar Bisky is dead. The 23-year-old Stephan Bisky died before Christmas in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he was studying.

The red-red coalition in Berlin is in its worst crisis to date. The left faction leader in the Bundestag, Gysi, threatened the Governing Mayor Wowereit with the end of the government alliance. Europe’s left wants to cooperate more closely with China’s communists.

Left-wing party leader Bisky made this clear during his visit to Beijing. “We must never fall into the trap of being satisfied now,” said party leader Lafontaine to the delegates.