It is also called yellow honeydew melon, yellow canary or amarillo.
It is also called yellow honeydew melon, yellow canary or amarillo.
Find out what the other Holy Week holidays mean here.
What are the customs on Easter Monday?
To commemorate the events on Easter Monday, there is still the custom of the so-called Emmausgangs in many communities today, during which Christians celebrate a contemplative walk with prayer and song.
Georgiritt in Traunstein: The horse pilgrimage traditionally takes place on Easter Monday. (Source: imagebroker / imago images)
In addition to the Easter walk, other customs have been preserved. Georgi rides take place in southern Bavaria and Austria. In some cities like Traunstein these horse pilgrimages are always organized on Easter Monday. Music bands and historical groups move to the church. There is also a traditional sword dance.
Sword dance in Traunstein: The fighters symbolically drive away winter on Easter Monday. (Source: Ernst Wukits / imago images)
In Schöneck, the Schöneck egg layer is the prelude to a folk festival on Easter Monday. A packer and a runner compete against each other. The packer must collect 104 eggs without damaging them. The runner has to hurry to the neighboring village – without eggs – and hurry back again. Whoever did their job first is the winner.
In Lower Franconia, the Remlinger Egg Run takes place on Easter Monday, which already existed in the 18th century. Here, too, a collector has to compete against a runner.
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To this day, the resurrection of Jesus is celebrated on Easter days, although for many people the Easter bunny and his gifts are more in the foreground.
Sources used: own research
A warm and dry summer lies behind the farmers. Milk production has also declined due to the weather. This now has consequences for consumers: Butter is becoming more expensive again.
Butter prices in Germany are returning to the record level last autumn. At 1.95 euros for the 250 gram packet, the butter price at supermarkets and discounters is currently approaching the all-time high of 1.99 euros, which has not been exceeded for at least 50 years. Retailers will try to avoid exceeding the threshold of two euros, said retailer Matthias Queck.
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Margarine as a cheaper alternative
The interesting question would then be whether consumers began to switch to margarine, which is still much cheaper. While the butter price is currently fluctuating strongly, the margarine prices are largely unchanged. Experts assumed that butter prices would continue to rise, reports the “Wirtschaftswoche”.to kill a mockingbird theme statements The reason is a lower milk yield of the cows due to the drought.
Sources used: dpa-AFX
Essen (dpa) – The month-long drought has so far not had any dramatic effects on food prices in Germany. As of November 1st, when new delivery contracts between dairies and grocers for milk come into effect, Aldi increased the prices for fresh and long-life milk by one cent per liter.
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At the same time, however, butter, for which monthly contracts usually apply, was ten cents per pack or more than five percent cheaper. German brand butter has cost 1.69 euros at Aldi since Friday. Norma also lowered the price of butter by the same amount. Experience has shown that many grocery retailers orient themselves to the Aldi prices.
For wheat flour in the lowest price range, Aldi Nord raised the price by 4 to 39 cents per 1-kilogram pack. That is a good eleven percent more than before. However, according to data from the market observers from LZ Retailytics, this is not a record. From 2011 to 2013, flour in the lowest price range cost 45 cents per kilogram. “The drought is having an impact. But there has not been a real price explosion,” said analyst Matthias Queck of the German press agency.
According to LZ Retailytics, some potato products such as frozen French fries and cheese in the lowest price range have already become more expensive in recent months. In the case of German branded butter, which in autumn last year was more expensive than ever at 1.99 euros per 250 grams, the prices have now changed monthly.
Market analyst Thomas Els from Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft is also observing the effects of the drought in individual areas. “But it’s not like food prices are going through the roof.” In the poultry industry there were price increases with reference to the feed costs. In the sugar industry, the drought led to significant yield losses, but sufficient quantities were available. For head cabbage, prices would rise as a result of the drought. Apples, on the other hand, are cheaper due to a larger harvest.
The Federal Association of German Dairy Farmers assumes that the effects of the higher feed prices could become clearly noticeable in the course of the winter – when stocks and own harvests are exhausted. “You get food. But it is so expensive that it often overwhelms liquidity,” said association spokesman Hans Foldenauer. The drought this summer was already extensive. In other regions of Europe, which are otherwise rather low in precipitation, it rained more. The amount of milk has not fallen drastically.
Farmers currently receive a nationwide average of 34 cents per kilogram of raw milk. The association spokesman emphasized that around 44 cents per kilogram are required for sustainable management.
The honeydew melon is a popular and refreshing snack in summer – and tastes wonderfully sweet. But is the honey-sweet taste also reflected in the number of calories?
Nutritional values: the honeydew melon is so healthy Can you lose weight with the honeydew melon? Preparation and storageHow to recognize ripe honeydew melonsAre honeydew melons suitable for dogs?
The honeydew melon is in season from May to October. The fruits can be up to 30 centimeters long and weigh an average of one to three kilograms. It is also called yellow honeydew melon, yellow canary or amarillo.
A general distinction is made between watermelons and sugar melons. The honeydew melon is one of the sugar melons (Cucumis melo) and belongs to the genus of cucumbers. The seeds contained in the honeydew melon, which are located in a cavity in the middle of the fruit, give a small indication of this. Melons also belong to the cucurbit plant family.
Opening and eating exotic fruits properly: persimmons, papaya Co.
Photo series with 8 pictures
Nutritional values: the honeydew melon is so healthy
The honeydew melon, as its name suggests, tastes honey-sweet. Nevertheless, it contains little sugar and consists of around 85 percent water. With around 54 calories per 100 grams, however, it is more energetic than watermelon.
The football-shaped fruit contains various vitamins such as vitamins A, B1, B2 and vitamin C as well as the minerals potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Iron and zinc are also included.
Nutrients per 100 g honeydew melonCalories54Carbohydrates12 gProtein0.9 gFiber0.7 gFat0.1 g
Can you lose weight with the honeydew melon?
Honeydew melons: They belong to the sugar melons and taste nice and sweet. (Source: Monique Wüstenhagen / dpa)
The honeydew melon may have more calories than some other fruits, but is still very few compared to many other foods. As a low-calorie alternative to sweets, the fruit is also suitable for those who want to lose weight.
As part of a healthy and balanced diet, you should eat at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day. You can find more tips on how to lose weight healthily here.
Tip: Half-frozen fruits are a low-calorie alternative to ice cream in summer. To do this, freeze a few pieces of honeydew melon so that they are still slightly soft. It is best to put the pieces of fruit next to each other in a container so that they do not freeze together. The fruits can then be removed individually with toothpicks and sucked.
Preparation and storage
Honeydew melons are extremely easy to prepare: For a spontaneous snack, simply cut the melon into wedges and carefully scrape out the seeds with a spoon.
The honeydew melon is best stored in the refrigerator. If it is already cut, you should also cover the interfaces with cling film.
How to recognize ripe honeydew melons
Melons only develop their full taste when they are ripe. Ripe honeydew melons can be recognized by their slightly sweet smell. The end of the handle is also not hard, but gives way when you press it lightly.
However, honeydew melons are one of the fruits that are still ripe. Unripe honeydew melons will continue to develop if you place an apple next to them. Apples emit the ripening gas ethylene in large quantities, which influences the development of the other fruits. It is best to put the honeydew melon and an apple in a paper or perforated plastic bag. But be careful: if the honeydew melon is already ripe, it will quickly spoil in the vicinity of apples.
Are honeydew melons suitable for dogs?
Melons are non-toxic to dogs. Nevertheless, not every dog can tolerate the fruits. Some can experience gastrointestinal complaints.
Calories and Nutrition Facts: Watermelon – How Healthy is the Summer Fruit? Round challenge: How to get watermelons small? Experts recommend: These tips will help you lose weight on your stomach
It is best to test with a small, ripe piece of honeydew melon whether your dog can tolerate the fruit. Melons should always be fed without the shell or seeds. In addition, you should only give your dog in moderation and occasionally – for example to cool off in summer – a small piece. Even better, because it has fewer calories, the watermelon is suitable as a small dog snack.
Sources used: own research news agency dpa
Olive oil is said to be somehow healthy. But why is that actually the case? What makes an oil a good oil? And which one is suitable for which dishes and preparations?
With oil it is the same as with most foods nowadays: there are countless varieties on the supermarket shelf, and hardly anyone knows exactly how they differ. An overview.
Good Fats – Bad Fats?
First of all: fat is not just fat, which is why some oils are actually healthier than others. Nutritionists broadly differentiate between three types of fats: those with saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The body needs all three, but especially the monounsaturated oleic acid and the polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They help to regulate the cholesterol level and blood pressure and thus prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Heike Rapp from the Federal Center for Nutrition advises: “One third of the fat we eat should consist of monounsaturated fatty acids and another third of polyunsaturated fatty acids.” That sounds complicated, but health-conscious people can remember as a rule of thumb: eat as many polyunsaturated fatty acids as possible and pay particular attention to omega-3 fatty acids.
Rapeseed oil – the all-rounder
Rapeseed oil should not be missing in any kitchen. It contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and they also have a good ratio: for every two parts omega-6 there is almost one part omega-3. In addition, the oil is extremely versatile. It can also withstand high temperatures without burning, explains Dagmar von Cramm, an ecotrophologist and author of numerous cookbooks. Cold-pressed rapeseed oil, on the other hand, refines salads and other cold dishes.
Olive oil – the perfect oleic acid supplier
Olive oil is a very popular cooking oil because of its fine taste. It usually consists of at least three quarters of the monounsaturated oleic acid. It lowers the level of the “bad” LDL cholesterol. Alexander Huber, head of the “Huberwirt” restaurant in Pleiskirchen and member of the top chefs association Jeunes Restaurateurs, recommends good, cold-pressed olive oil. “These oils come at a price, however,” he clarifies. By the way, cold-pressed olive oil should not be heated.
Linseed oil and camelina oil – it couldn’t be healthier
Linseed oil is the queen of omega-3 suppliers. It contains up to around 70 percent of these essential fatty acids. However, this also makes it rancid quickly. It is best to buy linseed oil in small bottles and use them up within a few weeks. Dagmar von Cramm fills linseed oil into a freezer-resistant container and stores it in the freezer. If linseed oil is too bitter for you, the cookbook author recommends trying camelina oil. It is obtained from the seeds of the camelina, also contains a lot of omega-3 and has a milder, fresher taste.
Coconut oil – a controversial exotic
Hardly any other fat has been as much disputed as coconut oil in recent months. While some believe the exotic fat has real miracle effects, others warn that it is no better than clarified butter. In fact, the fatty acid pattern is sobering. Coconut oil contains almost exclusively saturated fatty acids, significantly more than butter, for example.
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Nut oils – intense notes for special dishes
Nuts usually contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids and are therefore considered to be healthy sources of fat. Oils from nuts also have an intense, characteristic taste. Alexander Huber, for example, likes to use peanut oil in Asian dishes. “But it also goes very well with root vegetables.” Peanut oil can also be heated up without any problems./p