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Meshbesher says his client has been under psychiatric care for years and has been twice hospitalized with severe depression in the past four months. Several weeks ago, Meshbesher offered an explanation, not a legal defense for Amundson’s behavior. He said Amundson went into a tailspin after his mother died and began acting erratically. Corson Nordick […]

I’m not sure why or what I said or did, but she decided to kiss me and I wasn’t expecting it. I got really embarrassed and totally forgot where I was standing. I was so embarrassed that I turned and immediately crashed then fell right into the display of metal trash cans. When I knew […]

If that marketer doesn’t want to get involved with the hip hopper, Ms. Batchelor will shop it to a competing brand. The lyric will switch to match.. When Platte River spends more to produce electricity, your utility rates go up. So the projected cost increase means residential electricity rates will increase at perhaps the steepest […]

Looks like Alderman Sean O’Donovan is making huge leaps toward getting himself on the ballot for the Sept. 16 register of probate primary he hosted a different kind of kickoff party last week at the Dante Club on Craigie Street an “Unenrolled Registration Rally”, converting registered Democrats and registered Republicans into Independents for him to […]

Deserving an Academy Award for the most striking imitation of a member of the old House Un American Activities Committee was Rep. Louie Gohmert. The hard right Texas Republican went through a roll call of investigators bikinis, name by name, asking Wray if each had shown political bias. The neighbors who called police explained to […]

Now a small portion of his ashes are aboard New Horizons, the probe that went by Pluto. While his aren the first ashes in space, I do believe his have traveled further out than any other, and will continue to do so, eventually leaving the solar system altogether. Unless there were ashes of someone aboard […]