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If you randomly meet someone at a party and end up doing anything with them, chances are that you’re not looking for a relationship. Because if you were, wouldn’t it make sense to get to know then first instead of saying “hey there’s an empty room”. The slight variations in color and texture enhance its […]

I always cut corners. I mean, for me sex toys0, to live up to the standards of Charles McGill (laughter) I mean, look at me. I’ll never be as moral as him. I happen to know for a fact that many of these women look great, are sexy and are fine specimens of the female […]

Or, if you do not want to, accept injury will likely happen and you are going to be in pain or discomfort when and after it does. It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in person medical professional. The information contained herein is not meant to be […]

I have found that i don’t really enjoy being fingered, because it kinda “puts me on the spot”. When he fingers me, i get self conscious because he listens to every noise i make, feels every twitch in my legs sex toys, EVERYTHING. And i don’t like when things are all about me. It’s about […]

A New Jersey court summed up the rationale for including homosexual and other affairs as “cheating”. The court was called on to consider whether the wife’s extramarital lesbian relationship constituted adultery. Stating that an extramarital relationship is just as devastating to the wronged spouse regardless of the specific sexual act performed by the promiscuous spouse […]

Pipkin, Sunnie M. Pipkin, Anthony R. Pitts, Nathan D. TRIBUNE NEWS sERVICEActress Liv Ullman is 76. Singer Benny Anderson of ABBA is 68. Actor Ben Cross is 67. Branden Oliver, RB, San Diego Chargers: The Chargers are THIN on running backs with Ryan Mathews (knee) out for the next month and Danny Woodhead (ankle) expected […]