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Author: Olesya Kalinich, teacher, Khust boarding school.

Author: Olesya Kalinich, teacher, Khust boarding school.

The position is not clear to me. The teacher does not contact patients, but must identify and isolate patients. I wonder when a teacher, having found a sick child, should “exclude” her from the educational process? By the time the parents of a sick child arrive, who is in contact with her in the institution? Who will provide first aid? Who will monitor a sick child in a temporary detention center? Who will pass this child to the parents?

So! Of course! By the logic of ministries, the child has to do it all himself…. Because teachers DO NOT CONTACT WITH PATIENTS! And we can’t approach a sick child!

You will immediately tell me what the school nurse should do. But here are other questions:

1. Nurses are also not insured or protected from COVID-19.

2. After contact with the child, the nurse should be isolated.

3. Who will work at the school?

4. What to do in schools where there is no nurse?

And many such questions !!!

Usually the Ministry of Education and Science issues only recommendations. Thus, it was noted in the response that in the framework of preparation of general secondary education institutions for the beginning of classes and in order to ensure the creation of safe conditions for the organization of the educational process, the Ministry of Education and Science has prepared recommendations.

How tired of simple recommendations and letters from officials. Why do we mention educators last? Apparently, we are waiting for a precedent and some negative situation at school?! I hope this does not happen.

In connection with the latest developments in education, I can conclude: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is able to actively decide to postpone the increase in salaries for teachers for a year (CMU Resolution No. 1149 of November 23, 2020), and to address their insurance and testing can be done simply by unsubscribing, or simply by registering in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine four bills that will simply be waiting …

We don’t know who to hope for!

All you have to do is pray and wait for your educational institution to get rid of this terrible virus!

P.S. When I wrote this post, it was difficult for me to find the words. With each line, I was torn from within and tears welled up for all the people who work with children. My mother is also a teacher and she is at risk. To date, it is not protected. I will not be financially able to pay for her treatment. And so all over Ukraine.

Colleagues, I advise you to read the answers!

And the situation is only getting worse….

Officials! Hear us! After all, each of you was somehow involved with the teacher. Don’t wait for Teacher’s Day, show your concern today!

The original



In every school there are many teachers who have a large pool of interesting experiences

O. Kalinic: competition encourages creativity

Author: Olesya Kalinich, teacher, Khust boarding school.

There are different ways of motivation: it is both positive (praise, award) and negative (for example, a fine). It can take a long time to discuss the effectiveness of a particular type of motivation.

I will share the option chosen in our gymnasium.

During the pedagogical council, the team decided to hold a competition for the best electronic educational resource in academic subjects and educational work (by the way, the idea belongs to the directorate).

The purpose of the competition is to create modern educational and methodical materials for blended and distance learning and to introduce them into the educational process.

Materials (video lesson, series of presentations, interactive exercises, etc.) on the topic of the curriculum for grades 5-11 are submitted to the competition, which show the practical use of innovative technologies that are effective in the implementation of blended or distance learning.

Materials or references to them are placed on the school platform in the appropriate group (at the request of the author, not necessarily published in open sources).

According to the results of the competition, the winners will receive diplomas of I, II, III degrees and can be awarded cash prizes (valuable gifts). It is important that the competition is held on a voluntary basis – no one is forced to participate, because creativity needs freedom.

For skeptics who do not believe in ideas for narrative essays the activity of teachers, I note: among colleagues are already willing to submit their own work for the competition.

In fact, this approach allows us to celebrate the creative work of teachers, and also – gives the opportunity to promote interesting experiences.

Healthy competition always encourages creativity.

I am convinced that in every educational institution there are many teachers who have a considerable treasury of interesting developments – why not mention their additional work?

I communicate with many educators, many teachers (not my immediate colleagues) notice that their work is not noticed. Such competitions are an opportunity to express yourself.

And how do you motivate teachers in your educational institution?

P.S. I understand that among the readers there will be those who will notice that teachers are paid a salary, so let them work – what is the other motivation? So, in the message it is a question of creation of additional materials, and it is not a duty of the teacher.

The original

blogsOlesya Kalinich


No economic or financial dictionary has the concept of “indicative cost”

S. Zakharin: on “indicative cost”

Author: Sergei Zakharin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the NGO “Research Institute of Economic Development”, Head of the Patronage Service of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

One of the consequences of the reform of higher education was the introduction of the so-called “indicative cost” – this phrase means the minimum amount of tuition fees for higher education. Let’s understand – what is meant?

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 3, 2020 No. 191 “Some issues of introducing indicative cost”, signed by Oleksiy Honcharuk, approved the Procedure for forming the minimum tuition fee for higher education on the basis of indicative cost.

Conventionally speaking, if the “indicative cost” for a particular specialty is calculated at 9,000 hryvnias – this means that a higher education institution has the right to sell educational services in this specialty at any price, which can not be less than 9,000 hryvnia. Interestingly, this rule does not apply to all higher education institutions, but only to state-owned institutions, as well as to private ones, if they receive funding from the budget.

I will note at once that the concept of “indicative cost” does not exist in any economic or financial dictionary.

Cost – is the amount of actual costs for the production of a particular market product (goods, services). Usually the cost includes direct material costs (purchase of materials and services needed to produce the product) and labor costs. Sometimes the cost includes certain additional costs (for example, the cost of transportation services).

Each product offered by the entrepreneur on the market has its own (unique) cost. It is usually determined on the basis of accounting data. How much money an entrepreneur has spent on “creating” a product is his cost. The cost of the product is always unique. The same products have different costs at different entrepreneurs. Even one entrepreneur market product may have different costs at different times.

To establish in the normative-legal act the prime cost (or so-called “indicative prime cost”) at the same time for all producers of a market product (educational service) – from the economic point of view, nonsense. With the same success it is possible to issue an order to set the human body temperature at 36.6 (or any other).

If the state has set an “ative cost “for many market participants (higher education institutions) at the same time – then it is about anything, but not about the cost in its classical sense.

Based on the analysis of the provisions of this resolution, we can assume that the phrase “indicative cost” reformers actually understood the concept of “marginal price”, which is given in the Law of Ukraine “On Prices and Pricing”.

But “agents of change” and “leaders of European values”, planning their next “reform”, could not openly use the term “marginal price”, because according to paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prices and Pricing “, state regulated prices must be economically justified (to ensure that the price of the product corresponds to the costs of its production, sale (sale) and profit from its sale (sale). In the field of higher education it is impossible to apply this provision, as most higher education institutions are non-profit organizations and therefore can not receive In addition, higher education is not an economic activity in which the mechanisms of state price regulation are allowed.

Despite this, in 2020 the “indicative cost” was used for 38 specialties (121 in total).

The authors of the “reform” pathetically announced that a fair price for contracts will improve the quality of education in higher education institutions. The idea is that due to the gradual increase in prices for educational services, the best higher education institutions will be able to receive additional income and direct the accumulated funds for the purchase of educational equipment, as well as pay higher salaries to better teachers, and the worst educational institutions will simply disappear over time. institutions.

In addition, according to the “reformers”, a gradual increase in prices for the most popular specialties will lead to the fact that such specialties will eventually cease to be wildly popular, while the attention of applicants will be refocused on other specialties, including engineering …

Frankly, I once again realized that I did not understand anything.

Thesis: “Due to the gradual increase in prices for educational services, the best institutions of higher education will be able to receive additional income and direct the accumulated funds for the purchase of educational equipment, as well as pay higher salaries to the best teachers … “. If the price of a certain product increases, even if it is justified – it does not mean that in the future this product will be bought by the same number of buyers as before.