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Diabetes warning signs: Inflammation of the gums can be an indication

Diabetes warning signs: Inflammation of the gums can be an indication

Endurance sports such as cycling, jogging, walking or swimming are well suited, ideally three times a week. Smokers should also be careful: nicotine damages blood vessels and they constrict. As a result, the heart has to beat faster in order to transport the blood through the vessels. The result is increased blood pressure.

Stress is poison for the cardiovascular system

A major contributor to high blood pressure is stress. When stressed, certain hormones are released in the body that trigger various physical reactions: the heart beats faster, the brain and lungs are better supplied, the senses sharpened. However, if the stress is too great and lasts for a long time, the hormones have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. The blood vessels narrow. This can result in high blood pressure or even a heart attack. In order to be able to deal with stress better or, best of all, not to let it arise in the first place, sport is also suitable, but yoga or autogenic training.

The vicious cycle of high blood pressure

The insidious thing about high blood pressure: It leads to a vicious circle. If it is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to further damage and deposits in the blood vessels. The vessels become narrower and more rigid. In order to continue supplying the body with oxygen and nutrients, the heart has to do more pumping work. This in turn causes the blood pressure to rise further.

People who consume plenty of fiber from grain products are significantly less likely to die of cardiovascular disease, infection or respiratory diseases. This is reported by the “Apotheken Umschau”. Read here what positive effects whole grains have on health.

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The positive effect is stronger in women

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health in Washington D.C. found that dietary fiber can protect against life-threatening diseases. (USA) out. For your study you evaluated the data of almost 390,000 people over a period of nine years. It turned out that the positive effect in women is even more pronounced than in men.

Diet affects blood pressure

Earlier studies have already shown that high blood pressure can be reduced through diet – for example with whole grain products. According to this, several servings of whole grains a day are just as effective as medication for high blood pressure. This also reduces the risk of a stroke or heart attack. One speaks of high blood pressure when the value is over 140/90 mmHg. Researchers were also able to show that people who choose the whole grain variant of grain products developed significantly less belly fat. Belly fat is considered particularly unhealthy. For a noticeable effect, at least three servings of whole grain products should be eaten a day.

Dietary fiber: fibers with an important function

Dietary fibers are vegetable fibers that the intestine cannot or only partially break down. They can hardly be used by the body to generate energy and are therefore excreted again. In the past, fibers were thought to be useless – hence the name “ballast” materials. Today we know that dietary fiber has very different structures and fulfills different functions in the body. The fibers in the intestine bind water, increase stool volume and improve satiety and digestion. They also bind cholesterol, microorganisms and various other substances in the intestine and prevent a sharp rise in blood sugar. They are also said to have a protective effect against colon cancer.123helpme.me

This is how much fiber it should be

High-fiber foods include all whole grains, oatmeal, oat and wheat bran, brown rice, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. They contain indigestible carbohydrates (e.g. fiber, plant mucilage and pectins). Dietary fiber from beans and pectins from apples, citrus fruits and other fruits have a particularly beneficial effect on blood pressure. In addition, dietary fiber lowers cholesterol levels. High blood pressure patients and people with high cholesterol levels should consume at least 30 to 35 g of fiber per day.

If you want to prevent diabetes and heart disease, you should lose weight – doctors keep advising that. But now an international team of researchers has found that slim people are not necessarily healthier than people who are overweight. On the contrary: a certain gene not only makes people slim, but also increases their risk of metabolic diseases. This is reported by the online portal Eurekalert.org.

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Gen increases cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Scientists from ten countries examined the genomes of 75,000 test subjects. They discovered a gene that controls the percentage of body fat: IRS1. People who have this gene are slimmer than those who don’t. However, these people also tend to have high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. IRS1 apparently increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Not all fat is the same

However, this finding contradicts previous findings: Experts consider obesity to be one of the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart attacks. The research team explains the surprising finding as follows: Although the IRS1 gene ensures a low proportion of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, the fat around the organs remains unaffected. The latter is the dangerous, disease-causing fat.

Especially affected men

Scientists suspect that people with the IRS1 gene cannot store fat as well under the skin. That is why it is stored in other places – in the abdominal region. But there the fat can impair the function of the organs. This effect is more noticeable in men than in women: It often happens that men are overall slim, but still have a relatively large amount of belly fat.

Even slim people should pay attention to a healthy diet

The research team’s findings are no license for gluttony: A balanced, low-calorie diet and plenty of exercise definitely reduce the risk of metabolic diseases. Those who are naturally slim do not automatically stay healthy. Even slim people should pay attention to a healthy lifestyle – and not ignore warning signals from their body.

Exercise ECG at the doctor. (Photo: imago) If the chest is tight or painful, doctors often do an EKG, an electrocardiogram. This is used to assess heart disease and the risk of heart attack. But a study now doubts the validity of the ECG. British researchers found on the basis of around 8,000 patients that a large proportion of the test subjects developed heart problems, although the EKG showed nothing abnormal. We spoke to a specialist from the Munich Heart Center about what an EKG really says.

Graphic These are typical symptoms of a heart attack

Heart problems despite an unremarkable EKG

The doctors led by Adam Timmis from the Chest Hospital in London examined 8176 patients. Angina pectoris, a tightness in the chest, was suspected in all subjects. This can be a harbinger of a heart attack. The researchers took an EKG on all of them. The patients remained under the researchers’ supervision for up to five years. It was found: 47 percent of heart diseases occurred in patients with an unremarkable ECG.

Talk to the patient is sufficient

The researchers conclude that an EKG has only limited information about the risk of heart disease. Using routine questions about the patient’s health and lifestyle, the risk could just as well be assessed, the researchers write in the British Medical Journal. The researchers are calling for better methods to be used to treat patients with heart problems.

EKG still has to be

Professor Melchior Seyfarth from the Heart Center in Munich is not surprised by these results: “An EKG alone cannot fully examine the heart. For example, a third of all heart attacks are not detected by this examination.” He goes on to explain that a doctor not only relies on the EKG, but also on blood tests and the patient’s statements about possible complaints. In addition, the EKG is a gentle examination method that does not harm the patient. And it is indispensable for the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias.

Where are the heart and kidneys? Click through the body atlas

More information: German Heart Foundation

More on Health: Heart Attack You Should Know These Warning SignsTest How Dependent Are You On Cigarettes? True Or False? The most important answers about cholesterol

trax.de: Use and benefits of an ergometer for medical examinations

Capsaicin, a chilli intensifier, has a relaxing effect on the blood vessels. Blood pressure therapy could take advantage of this effect – simply with a pinch of chilli in the meal. In a research experiment on laboratory rats with high blood pressure, Chinese scientists were able to prove that the regular intake of capsaicin leads to an increased release of nitric oxide. This messenger substance relaxes the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. The researchers suspect a similar effect in humans. We have put together other natural antihypertensive agents for you here.

Chilli eaters are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure

Earlier studies indicated that capsaicin had a short-term antihypertensive effect. The next goal of the research will now be the specific effect of capsaicin on human blood pressure, the scientists from the Military Medical University Chongqing explain in the journal “Cell Metabolism”. There are clear indications for the positive effect of high chilli consumption: In regions of China where the population traditionally spices their dishes strongly with chilli, only around 10 to 14 percent tend to have high blood pressure compared to 20 percent in population groups with lower chilli consumption.

Mild pepper varieties also have an effect

According to the researchers, there are also mild chilli varieties that contain an active ingredient similar to capsaicin for people who do not like to eat spicy food. This should have the same positive properties, but not taste as hot. The next goal of the research is to determine the specific effect of chilli heat on people’s blood pressure (Cultivating chilli: tips for caring for the hot pods).

The lifestyle influences the values

According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), values ​​above 140/90 mmHg are referred to as high blood pressure. The first value is called the systolic value, the second the diastolic value. Even if only one of the two values ​​is increased, there is high blood pressure with the corresponding long-term consequences. The cases in which the patient has to take medication depends on numerous factors such as the level of blood pressure, previous illnesses and general condition. Only the doctor can decide on a case-by-case basis. However, even if you do need to take medication, the amount and dose will be lower if you change a few essential things about your lifestyle.

Diet affects blood pressure

In many cases, a healthy and balanced diet is enough to lower blood pressure. The change in diet can reduce blood pressure by an average of up to 11 mmHG systolic and 5.5 mmHG diastolic, as was proven in the American DASH study. Just eating more Ost and vegetables without making any further changes to the food caused the values ​​to go down. This effect was particularly positive when the consumption of fat and meat was reduced at the same time. Cocoa and dark chocolate also lower blood pressure. However, one should be careful with the extra calories that can quickly lead to obesity. People with high blood pressure should generally use table salt sparingly.

Weight control and regular exercise

Basically, every pound you lose helps lower your blood pressure. For every pound of weight you lose, 1 to 2 mmHG can be deducted from the values, explains Dr. Ramon Martinez in his book “Lowering high blood pressure yourself in 10 weeks”. However, the cardiologist advises against drastic diets. In the long term, only a sensible change in diet combined with exercise would help. You have to be patient, however, because the effect usually occurs three to twelve weeks after the start of training. Moderate endurance sports such as Nordic walking, swimming, cycling and ergometer training in the fitness studio are particularly suitable. However, high blood pressure patients should avoid extreme exercise such as weight lifting, diving, climbing and bodybuilding. Activities such as climbing stairs every day and not using a car to do supermarket shopping also bring more movement into everyday life.

Relaxation and stress relief

Home remedies for hypertension: Natural antihypertensive agents

Hustle and bustle, time pressure and anger have been shown to drive blood pressure up by putting the nervous system on alert. Therefore, it makes sense to develop methods of stress relief and relaxation. Autogenic training, tai chi, yoga and special breathing exercises can help, according to Ramirez. This is proven by numerous studies on the individual relaxation methods that the doctor quotes in his book. Hypertensive sufferers, on the other hand, should keep their hands off luxury foods such as alcohol and cigarettes. The negative effects of tobacco consumption are particularly serious here. Because the nicotine has a vasoconstricting effect, which increases the blood pressure even further.

Sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for the widespread disease high blood pressure. With a small but regular amount of exercise you can not only prevent, but also reduce high blood pressure to a certain extent. Read about which sports are suitable for people with high blood pressure and which can be harmful.

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Can everyone with high blood pressure do sports?

Regular physical exercise is a bargaining chip for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, says Professor Wolfram Delius in his guide “High blood pressure.”